Wednesday, January 28, 2015

QuiltCon Charity Quilt

I am sure that you all remember creating blocks for our QuiltCon charity quilt.  Diane took the blocks and through collaboration with Natalie + Brandy on the design came up with an amazing layout that actually gave us enough to make two quilts!  We only needed one to send to QuiltCon and Sherre was so kind to quilt it for us on her long arm.

The quilt for QuiltCon
 I love how the solid colors change in the background, they really highlight our blocks!

Bonus quilt!
The grouping of the blocks with the solid squares is really great and it is so bright against the solid gray background.


Sherre chose a great all over quilting motif that really adds interest in all the negative space in the quilt.

With binding

Thank you to everyone that shared their fabrics and created blocks for our quilt.  Thank you so much Diane for creating a beautiful quilt top with our blocks.  And thank you so much Sherre for the beautiful quilting you did on our quilt (and binding it, too!).  I love seeing how our group comes together to work on great projects.  

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

January's Meeting

General Business

We discussed issues relating to the development of By-Laws... A committee was formed including Bonny, Natalie and June who intend to meet before the next meeting to discuss suggestions for the by-laws and they will report their ideas at the February meeting.

Some discussion occurred regarding the prorating of dues and it was decided by a majority vote that the dues will not be prorated.  Any new member that joins between January and the end of September will be required to pay $35 for their initial dues and anyone joining in the last quarter of the year will have their $35 dues include the following year.  

Yearly renewal dues are $25 and will be collected in January.

The possibility of storing some items at the Jersey Shore Arts Center was discussed and Diane will find out if it there is some area that a dedicated iron and ironing board can be stored at the center for use during our monthly sew-ins.

Charity Projects

Helen Foster reported the findings of the Charity Committee.  A number of local charities have been contacted and Helen provided suggestions for projects to meet their needs. Needs include lap quilts, pillow cases, placemats, and bags for walkers.  A sheet was circulated to determine interest in these various items and how many of each those attending the meeting thought they might be able to contribute.  The possibility of a second monthly sew-in was discussed to be dedicated to charity projects.  Natalie will check with a business acquaintance to try to locate a venue, and the charity committee will also look into possible venues. 

Placemats will be a specific size and, as the guild purchased a roll of batting, all those who wish to make placemats will be provided with batting cut to size so that all mats are uniform.

Jackie made a generous donation of fabric to the charity committee.

Coming Events

1.  Feb 21 - March 1:  Winter Arts Festival 2015 at the Jersey Shore Arts Center.
We will be given one wall at the center to hang quilts.  Diane will be sending a separate email with complete details if you wish to have one of your lap size, or smaller, quilts displayed.  March 1st is an open house.  We have been invited to sew all day long in our meeting room ~ Diane + Helen F will be there.  We hope you'll join them or just come to meet the other artists at the center and be inspired by their works.

2. Summer: Art Show at Hotel Tides in Asbury Park.
Natalie's husband will be showing his art at the Tides this summer.  We may be displaying some of our quilts at the same time.  We don't have the specifics yet and will continue the discussion next month.

3. Oct 22 - 25:  The CAMACO Quilt Guild has invited us to attend their annual fall retreat at the Continental Inn in Lancaster, PA.  A limited number will be able to participate and anyone wishing to attend will need to pay their $75 deposit in May directly to CAMACO.  Cost as follows:
Single room: $315
Double: $205 each
Triple: $165 each
Quad: $155 each        Note:  All rooms have just two double beds.

The Fun Stuff

A tote swap was assigned at the November meeting and 11 of those attending the January meeting brought totes for the swap which took place using a format to encourage stealing and general mayhem... All who arrived with a tote left with a tote... Anyone who was not able to attend or did not yet complete a tote are encouraged to bring one to the February meeting when another swap can ensue...

Show and Tell

Phyllis - a colorful modern quilt top...

Jackie - R2D2 quilt which was recently featured in Generation Q magazine... Congratulations!

Debbie - wonderful...colorful Tula Blocks...she is catching up on her Tula...

Shannon brought a few quilts she has made for her children and those of a friend as well as beautiful, unique, hand-dyed fabric pieces with woodland creatures...  

Sherre - Beautiful Tula City Block Quilt complete with a striped backing. Each block is quilted differently...

Bonny brought a beautiful appliqued holiday quilt complete with a "Nice List" which was called into question as it included the names of her grandchildren...

Eileen - A quilt made of "orphan" blocks that she donated to the charity committee as well as an amazing Double Wedding Ring mini quilt for an Instagram swap...

Natalie - X blocks for the large quilt that she is making for herself and her husband. The blocks are wonderful and she advised that they require a ridiculous amount of cutting....She also is taking part in the Instagram Swap and brought a very vibrant mini-quilt that she is working on quilting using patterns to echo the geometric shapes of her design...

All work was beautiful and colorful.... As indicated by the repetition of these descriptive terms!!! I hope nothing was forgotten and look forward to seeing everyone in February!


Tuesday, January 6, 2015

January Tote Swap

Hello All!

I hope you had a great new years.  Hard to believe it is 2015 already!

We talked in November and December about our tote swap.  We will be doing a white elephant style swap so come with your tote wrapped up.

The link for the pattern for the tote is here, but have fun and mix it up with quilted sides or add a pocket.  The pattern is for this size.  Mine will definitely have some little squares in it.

Check out the Mouthy Stitches group on flickr for what they did when the group made similar totes, lots of great inspiration.  I cant wait to see what everyone creates!