Saturday, November 9, 2013

October Meeting Re-Cap

Hello Ladies!

Can you believe it, our little guild has turned 1!  It has been such a great year.  Not only did we come together as a group, but we joined the mama guild and became official members of the Modern Quilt Guild.  I don't know about you, but I think it has been a great year and I can't wait to see how we grow over this next year.

Kat is our Queen Bee this month.  Check out the post to see what she asked us to create for her this month.  

Mid-Atlantic MOD is having a quilt retreat April 3-6.  It is being held at the Doubletree by Hilton in Lancaster, PA.   There is a cite for information here.  I am going to try and go so I hope that a group of us will be able to go together.  How fun would a weekend of sewing together be!

If you are participating in the Double Wedding Ring Challenge by the NY Metro Mod Quilters it is due December 1.  Can't wait to see what you all are making for it.

The Riley Blake fabrics have come for the Riley Blake Challenge.   They have changed the due date to February 17 and there will be prizes if you are participating.  Remember, you can add any Riley Blake fabric or any solid to you project.  In order for it to be entered in the challenge, it has to be fully completed and quilted.  It can be anything though so go crazy with your projects!

Now for what we all are waiting for each month....  Show and Share!!!!

 Natalie made another hexagon for Carolyn's Queen Bee quilt.  Love the swirling effect of it!  And the lobster peeing out in the one section!

Rose brought her block for Carolyn since she was away on a cruise last month (lucky her!).

Kat brought us this Single Irish Chain quilt to share.  She said it was only a queen size (but still pretty big, haha)  Love the quilting on it and the back.  Just looks so awesome!

Kat also brought some smaller projects to share this month.  She has an ice/heat pillow here made with rice that she added cinnamon and cloves to for a soothing smell as you ice or warm a sore area.  It is a great boo boo pillow.   And then she shared with us this great travel tic-tac-toe board that she made with a simple 9 patch and some shapes she picked up at the store for pieces.  So great for the kid in the car!  I can see this with other types of games or things for entertainment in the car.

Rose brought a pineapple block to share with us made with some bright batik fabrics.  

 Since it is almost Halloween, Carolyn brought her haunted house to share with us.  THe shutters on the house open up with a surprise inside.  She also brought a hand stitching project that she had been working on as a wedding gift.

Natalie has been working on her Swoon quilt.  She went with a grey background that really brings a modern twist to the other fabrics she has chosen.  The look awesome!  Can't wait to see more as it comes together.

Eileen has jumped on board the Jelly Roll Jam quilt craze by the Fat Quarter Shop.  Her quilt looks great in the pretty Moda fabrics,


 And here are the log cabin blocks that were brought for Rose's Queen Bee month.  They all look great!

That is all I have for this month.  I hope to see you all at our meeting on November 13.