Woo! Hoo! Let's get this party started!
Our next meeting:
THIS Wednesday, January 20, 2016 from 7pm to 9pm in the Jersey Shore Arts Center Building. If you are new to us... it is located at 66 Main St in Ocean Grove, NJ 07756.
As of this posting the Agenda has not been made public as yet, but I'm sure Carolyn has something wonderful in mind for us!
Don't forget to bring along a 'Show and Tell'! That's the most fun of each meeting, and why we take time out of our busy lives to gather... and get our 'quilt fix'!
Road Trip:
There's still room for anyone who would like to join in on the car ride to the Michener Art Museum in Doylestown, PA to view Blanket Statements... a display of new quilts by Kaffe Fassett, as well as Historical quilts from the collection provided be The Quilt Museum and Gallery in York, UK. The date has been set for Saturday February 6, 2016... no exact time has been decided upon as yet, but rumor has it there's an awesome quilt shop near by. Plan on an all day excursion!
If you prefer to 'go it alone'... then do your best to visit this Thursday, Jan 21st. Meg Cox, Liza Lucy, and Mark Lipinski will be there doing hand stitching demos from 1pm to 3pm.
Last Meeting:
AND... if you were unable to make it to December's meeting, here's what you missed!
JSMQG December 16 2015
In attendance:
Debbie L Bonny C Lara G Phyllis G Sherre M Carolyn B June P Brandy B Helen F Rose B Michelle L Kat Q Debbie H Eilen D Joani B
Charity Eileen DiPietro, Natalie Syracuse, Helen Foster
Program Carolyn Braun (who will work off the surveys we completed of our
interests and skills)
4. Location: We have discussed changing our venue several ties. Tonight we voted to meet as follows:
Monthly business meetings will be held at the Ocean Grove Arts Center, with possible changes of venue in the hottest months of the summer when there is no AC.Cost is $25
Sew-ins will be held monthly at the Reform Church in Colts Neck, which Sherre belongs to. We can probably move there for the hot months. They will guarantee availability of space for the sew-ins. Those attending sew-ins should be prepared to pay $5 for the time—any additional funds will be supplied by JSMQG. Sherre will check into whether we can keep some items there, like an ironing board and iron, table risers
Looking at a map with all our homes marked on it, the locations are both accessible as easily by most of the members.
An advantage of remaining connected to the Arts Center is its focus on the ARTS, the potential for quilt shows to be held there, and the beneficial outreach in connection with the town —such as “quilt-ins” on the boardwalk to help publicize our existence.
In attendance:
Debbie L Bonny C Lara G Phyllis G Sherre M Carolyn B June P Brandy B Helen F Rose B Michelle L Kat Q Debbie H Eilen D Joani B
Dues were voted on to be $40 a month, and a number of people turned in checks to Sherre
as our new Treasurer Shannon Silver was not in attendance. Make checks out to JSMQG
and bring to the January meeting. We had enough in our treasure to pay for our membership
in the National Guild at the 16-25 member level
Nominations for offices were voted on and the suggested slate was elected:
President Sherre MacClellan
Vice President Brandy Borden
Secretary Bonny Collins
Treasurer Shannon Silver
Charity Eileen DiPietro, Natalie Syracuse, Helen Foster
Program Carolyn Braun (who will work off the surveys we completed of our
interests and skills)
4. Location: We have discussed changing our venue several ties. Tonight we voted to meet as follows:
Monthly business meetings will be held at the Ocean Grove Arts Center, with possible changes of venue in the hottest months of the summer when there is no AC.Cost is $25
Sew-ins will be held monthly at the Reform Church in Colts Neck, which Sherre belongs to. We can probably move there for the hot months. They will guarantee availability of space for the sew-ins. Those attending sew-ins should be prepared to pay $5 for the time—any additional funds will be supplied by JSMQG. Sherre will check into whether we can keep some items there, like an ironing board and iron, table risers
Looking at a map with all our homes marked on it, the locations are both accessible as easily by most of the members.
An advantage of remaining connected to the Arts Center is its focus on the ARTS, the potential for quilt shows to be held there, and the beneficial outreach in connection with the town —such as “quilt-ins” on the boardwalk to help publicize our existence.
JSMQG December 16 2015
5. Our Improv with Intent blocks were sewn into a quilt top at the last meeting, and Sherre
took it home to sandwich and long-arm quilt, It looks good, and each person’s contribution
melds in well with all the others.Sherre put two extra blocks on the back, and the quilting looks
great. Carolyn will make binding form the scraps and bind it. Then it is to be used for charity, so
Eileen is on the alert for an appropriate recipient.
6. We declared an intermission while everyone helped themselves to the holiday feats—a combination of fresh fruit, dips and veggies, dips and corn chips, whiskey cake made with rum, cookies, fudge, and banana blueberry cake. And more!
7. Kat surprised us all with earrings she had purchased on eBay. Nice ones!
8. We exchanged pin cushions and Bonny took pictures of each person with the pin cushion she received. Should we create a directory of pictures to identify the members? Several attend- ing were at a loss as to many names and felt this would be helpful. Along with name tags written LARGE.
9. Queen Bee—Carolyn collected several of the striped triangles she asked for at the last meet- ing. Brady is Queen Been for January.
10 Sharing:
Phyllis showed a dramatic red, white, and black quilt for charity about 5’ square
Phyllis showed several mini quilts made form orphans donated to RRQ which will be put in the Small Quilt Raffle for their spring show May 13-14 at Poricy Park. One had tiny pinwheels, and another had sixteen-square blocks about one inch each.
Helen showed a wonky midsize quilt about 5’ square in orange, and shades of blue for charity.
Helen showed us a 2’ x 2’ rug she knit from strips of leftover fabric scraps. Thick and cozy. We need a class in this!
Kat showed a black velvet purse she made with Christmas themes embroidered on the back and the flap, The gold shoulder chain set it off as a formal bag.
Brandy showed a light and dark blue and white seafaring quilt top about 6x6’ with ap- pliqued anchors on white squares.
Carolyn showed a Winnie the Pooh charity quilt about 4x4’ square; a red, pink, and white mini quilt in log cabin pattern; a mini quilt with orange balls in random sizes and patterns on a yellow background; a black and white, silver and gold with swirls and dots about 3 x 3’ for charity; several pillow cases for pillow forms, each with a central Christmas motif, sf s 5 x 5’ coverlet in a large V patterns using pinks, greens and blues. This one would be good for a class!
Sherre showed a black and white with squares and rectangles she donated for charity; a closely quilted mini quilt with vintage sampler patterns; A while background with mini-pinwheels and squares on the front, and the back used clocks of the supplied fabrics in a grid; and a dis- appearing 9-patch with charity fabric in dark blue and wild colors.
11. Phyllis mentioned an online challenge that comes up weekly with Moda fabrics, “Little Shop” whose patterns can be downloaded
12. Eileen mentioned a Riley Blake fabric challenge for a modern quilt which cones available at 10AM Saturdays. The fabric is shipped to the quilt, not the individuals
6. We declared an intermission while everyone helped themselves to the holiday feats—a combination of fresh fruit, dips and veggies, dips and corn chips, whiskey cake made with rum, cookies, fudge, and banana blueberry cake. And more!
7. Kat surprised us all with earrings she had purchased on eBay. Nice ones!
8. We exchanged pin cushions and Bonny took pictures of each person with the pin cushion she received. Should we create a directory of pictures to identify the members? Several attend- ing were at a loss as to many names and felt this would be helpful. Along with name tags written LARGE.
9. Queen Bee—Carolyn collected several of the striped triangles she asked for at the last meet- ing. Brady is Queen Been for January.
10 Sharing:
Phyllis showed a dramatic red, white, and black quilt for charity about 5’ square
Phyllis showed several mini quilts made form orphans donated to RRQ which will be put in the Small Quilt Raffle for their spring show May 13-14 at Poricy Park. One had tiny pinwheels, and another had sixteen-square blocks about one inch each.
Helen showed a wonky midsize quilt about 5’ square in orange, and shades of blue for charity.
Helen showed us a 2’ x 2’ rug she knit from strips of leftover fabric scraps. Thick and cozy. We need a class in this!
Kat showed a black velvet purse she made with Christmas themes embroidered on the back and the flap, The gold shoulder chain set it off as a formal bag.
Brandy showed a light and dark blue and white seafaring quilt top about 6x6’ with ap- pliqued anchors on white squares.
Carolyn showed a Winnie the Pooh charity quilt about 4x4’ square; a red, pink, and white mini quilt in log cabin pattern; a mini quilt with orange balls in random sizes and patterns on a yellow background; a black and white, silver and gold with swirls and dots about 3 x 3’ for charity; several pillow cases for pillow forms, each with a central Christmas motif, sf s 5 x 5’ coverlet in a large V patterns using pinks, greens and blues. This one would be good for a class!
Sherre showed a black and white with squares and rectangles she donated for charity; a closely quilted mini quilt with vintage sampler patterns; A while background with mini-pinwheels and squares on the front, and the back used clocks of the supplied fabrics in a grid; and a dis- appearing 9-patch with charity fabric in dark blue and wild colors.
11. Phyllis mentioned an online challenge that comes up weekly with Moda fabrics, “Little Shop” whose patterns can be downloaded
12. Eileen mentioned a Riley Blake fabric challenge for a modern quilt which cones available at 10AM Saturdays. The fabric is shipped to the quilt, not the individuals
JSMQG December 16 2015
13. Sherre closed the meeting with a discussion of us needing some substance at our meet-
ings. Business, sharing, and then a learning segment each month. We have many talents and
skills among us which if we had a focused session, we could learn from. Many of the sharing
projects are teachable!
Our next meeting will be January 20. Queen Bee Brandy?
Do we have a line-up of Queen Bees or is it time to set one up?
We need to come up with a list of programs scheduled for the next several months so the mem- bership can be prepared.
Bonny Collins, Secretary
Don't forget to check out our Facebook Group... Jersey Shore Modern Quilt Guild. Lot's of fun sharing is going on there.
Our next meeting will be January 20. Queen Bee Brandy?
Do we have a line-up of Queen Bees or is it time to set one up?
We need to come up with a list of programs scheduled for the next several months so the mem- bership can be prepared.
Bonny Collins, Secretary
Don't forget to check out our Facebook Group... Jersey Shore Modern Quilt Guild. Lot's of fun sharing is going on there.
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